About 7 months ago I decide to to find ways to save my family money. One way I found was to start making my own laundry soap. The recipe I use is extremely easy to make and only takes a few minutes. The best part is one 5 gallon bucket will last you several months. I have 3 kids and 2 adults. That in itself amazed me.
When I first foun d this recipe I'll be honest I had never heard of Fels Naptha. Now I am greatful I did. It is great for other things also. I get poison ivy a lot, Fels Naptha helps to dry the poison ivy out. Here is what it looks like. I found it in my local WalMart in the laundry isle.
1 bar of grated bar soap ( Fels Naptha is a great one- walmart)
1 cup of Borax
1 cup of washing soda
Large bottle of Dawn dish soap
5 gallon bucket with a lid
Fill bucket half way with hot water. Bring 3 quarts of water to boil on stove..add grated bar soap and melt..then add Borax and washing soda until all dissolved. Pour mix into bucket..add Dawn dish soap and fill rest of way up with cold water.
Some batches vary from others..some are thicker some thinner..but it still works great! Use 1 lg capful or 2 capfuls if greasy.
Yes, seriously it's that easy. I bought the big boxes of Borax and Washing Soda, and let me tell you it last forever. Just by buying those you already saved so much money. With the Dawn I experimented and would buy a different fragrance every time, sometimes I used the Gain brand. They both smell so good.
If your kids are like mine they don't like change......well, my girls never complained about the laundry soap change. It took them a good while to even realize, and now they jump to help me make more. It's another way we spend family time together.