I don't know about you but I use a lot of oils for my children - cuts/scrapes, bumps and bruises, fevers, sleeping and soothing, immune boosting... and boy do my kids LOVE them! My 1-year-old gets super excited and starts dancing around when he sees me pull them out. I have seen him try to put some on his feet (lid closed of course, but it was cute) and my 2-yr-old always asks to go to the "oil store". After I put some on her she takes a deep breath (no matter where I put it on her) and says "smells good." These are staples in our home.
Here is a really good list to help you know what to do for your sweet little ones.
Allergies: Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint, 1 drop each. Apply to bottom of feet morning and night.
Asthma: Breathe and Eucalyptus, 2-3 drops each {dilute with coconut oil}. Apply to back, chest, throat and bottom of feet. Recommended to cover feet with socks.
Bed Wetting: Balance, massage 2-4 drops on feet at bedtime. Cypress, massage 2-4 drops on bladder area before sleep.
Bee Sting: Melaleuca and Lavender, 1-2 drops {dilute with coconut oil}. Apply on location.
Bladder Infection, UTI: OnGuard, massage 2 drops on lower abdomen. Also, OnGuard and Oregano, 1 drop each (dilute with coconut oil). Massage on bottom of each feet.
Boils: Frankincense and Helichrysm, 1 drop (dilute with coconut oil). Apply directly on boil.
Bronchitis: Breathe, Eucalyptus, Frankincense,Lavender or Peppermint. Select 1 or 2 of these oils (dilute with coconut oil). Massage 1-2 drops on chest area.
Burns: Lavender and Melaleuca, 2-3 drops diluted in coconut oil. For severe burns add Helichrysum.
Canker Sore: Melaleuca, 1 drop, just enough to cover and dab on sore.
Chicken Pox: Melaleuca and Lavender, 3 drops each, added to 1 oz. of Calamine lotion. Apply to itchy spots. Baking Soda/Lavender bath for relief: 1 cup Baking Soda with 2-4 drops of Lavender in warm bathwater. OnGuard, diffuse in air to protect against spreading contagion.
Colds: At first sign of cold, Breathe, 1-2 drops. Apply to back of neck. OnGuard, 1 drop. Apply to bottom of feet. Repeat frequently. For infants: dilute 1-2 drops of Thyme or Lemon oil in 2 Tbs. fractionated coconut oil and massage a little on neck and chest.
Colic: DigestZen, 5 drops diluted with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. Massage on stomach and apply warm compress. Also, Lavender and Peppermint (dilute in coconut oil). Apply to bottom of feet.
Cough: Breathe or Peppermint added to Frankincense, 1-2 drops each (dilute with coconut oil). For children: apply to chest and back. After it is absorbed, re-apply several times per day and night until cough stops. For infants:apply same blend to feet. Make sure to cover area so the baby does not touch it and then touch eyes.
Constipation: DigestZen, 2 drops (dilute with coconut oil). Massage on stomach.
Cradle Cap: Lavender or Melaleuca or Geranium, mix 1 drop with a small amount of coconut oil. Apply to affected area. Let the oils be absorbed before washing the head. Usually 3 to 4 applications needed to eliminate rash. Be careful not to get oils in baby's eyes.
Croup: Breathe and/or Eucalyptus, 1-2 drops applied to bottom of feet. Dilute with coconut oil for chest and back. Continue using the oils, even after the child is better, for at least for 4 days.
Crying: Serenity, Ylang Ylang, Lavender or Roman Chamomile, 2 drops (dilute with coconut oil). Apply to bottom of feet for comfort.
Cuts and Scrapes: Melaleuca and Lavender, 1-2 drops (dilute with coconut oil).
Diarrhea: DigestZen, 2 drops (dilute with coconut oil). Massage on lower stomach.
Digestion: DigestZen, 2 drops (dilute with coconut oil). Massage on stomach.
Earache: Add Melaleuca and Grapefruit to Ear Infection protocol (below).
Ear Infection: Lavender, Frankincense and Basil, apply 2 drops each to cotton ball. Rub around the ear and down the neck, then place the cotton ball in the ear.
Eczema: Lavender and Melaleuca, 2 drops each (dilute with coconut oil). Apply topically to rash.
Fever: Peppermint, 1 drop (dilute with coconut oil). Apply to forehead, back of neck and bottom of feet every 15-30 minutes, until fever goes down. Be careful that child does not touch the areas of applied oils and rub the eyes.
Fever Blister/Cold Sore (Herpes Simplex): Lavender and Melaleuca, or Lavender and Frankincense, 1-2 drops each in 50/50 dilution with coconut oil. Apply directly to blister. Apply frequently and continue for 3 days after symptoms have passed.
Gum and Tooth Pain: Clove oil (dilute with coconut oil). Put on a cotton swab; pinpoint painful area and apply. (Clove oil is very strong.)
Impetigo: OnGuard, 2-3 drops (dilute with coconut oil). Apply topically to the affected area 3 or 4 times per day until infection clears up. Impetigo is very contagious. Wash hands with OnGuard, 20 drops mixed with 8 oz. water in spray bottle.
Insect Bite: Lavender and Melaleuca or Purify, 1-2 drops each (dilute with coconut oil).
Insect Repellant: TerraShield applied topically to exposed areas.
Itchy Skin: Peppermint, 1-2 drops (dilute with coconut oil). Apply topically to area. .
Lice: Melaleuca and Lemon, 2-5 drops each. For this application, use Ys dilution. (1 drop of essential oil to 5 drops of coconut oil). Apply to scalp and let stand at least 1/2 hour. Shampoo with 2-5 drops of Melaleuca in 1 tsp. of shampoo. Continue with this Melaleuca shampoo for 1 week.
Measles: Lavender and Melaleuca, 10 drops each mixed with 40 drops of coconut oil. Use topically to soothe measles rash.
Ear Infection: Lavender, Frankincense and Basil, apply 2 drops each to cotton ball. Rub around the ear and down the neck, then place the cotton ball in the ear.
Eczema: Lavender and Melaleuca, 2 drops each (dilute with coconut oil). Apply topically to rash.
Fever: Peppermint, 1 drop (dilute with coconut oil). Apply to forehead, back of neck and bottom of feet every 15-30 minutes, until fever goes down. Be careful that child does not touch the areas of applied oils and rub the eyes.
Fever Blister/Cold Sore (Herpes Simplex): Lavender and Melaleuca, or Lavender and Frankincense, 1-2 drops each in 50/50 dilution with coconut oil. Apply directly to blister. Apply frequently and continue for 3 days after symptoms have passed.
Gum and Tooth Pain: Clove oil (dilute with coconut oil). Put on a cotton swab; pinpoint painful area and apply. (Clove oil is very strong.)
Impetigo: OnGuard, 2-3 drops (dilute with coconut oil). Apply topically to the affected area 3 or 4 times per day until infection clears up. Impetigo is very contagious. Wash hands with OnGuard, 20 drops mixed with 8 oz. water in spray bottle.
Insect Bite: Lavender and Melaleuca or Purify, 1-2 drops each (dilute with coconut oil).
Insect Repellant: TerraShield applied topically to exposed areas.
Itchy Skin: Peppermint, 1-2 drops (dilute with coconut oil). Apply topically to area. .
Lice: Melaleuca and Lemon, 2-5 drops each. For this application, use Ys dilution. (1 drop of essential oil to 5 drops of coconut oil). Apply to scalp and let stand at least 1/2 hour. Shampoo with 2-5 drops of Melaleuca in 1 tsp. of shampoo. Continue with this Melaleuca shampoo for 1 week.
Measles: Lavender and Melaleuca, 10 drops each mixed with 40 drops of coconut oil. Use topically to soothe measles rash.
Motion Sickness: DigestZen, 1-2 drops (dilute with coconut oil). Apply to bottom of feet.
Pink Eye: For older children and adults (who can resist touching the location): Melaleuca and Purify, 2 or 3 drops each, applied around socket of the eye. Place drops in palm of hand and apply to eye with finger tip. For younger children: Melaleuca and Purify, 2 drops each, applied to V3 of a cotton pad. Using a hard shell eye patch (available at the pharmacy), place the cotton pad in the eye patch, with the oils side of the cotton to the outside, away from the eyes, so there is no direct contact with the eye or eyelid. Place the eye patch over the affected eye. Repeat the above procedures 2 to 4 times during the day. At the same time, Eucalyptus, 1-2 drops (diluted with coconut oil). Rub on feet and toes. Repeat the eye treatment at night and rotate from Eucalyptus to Oregano, 1-2 drops (diluted with coconut oil) for the feet. Repeat the daily protocol until redness disappears and two days following. Caution the child not to rub or scratch the eye. Place socks on the feet so that oils are not transferred from the feet to other areas.
Pneumonia: Breathe (amount according to diffuser instructions) in a diffuser and/or steam tent. Frankincense, Lavender and Melaleuca, and/or OnGuard, 1-2 drops (dilute with coconut oil). Apply to the bottom of feet and spine.
Poison Ivy: Melaleuca and Lavender, 4 drops each (dilute with coconut oil).
Ringworm: Lavender, Melaleuca and Thyme, blend of 30 drops each for a 10 day supply. Apply topically on the area of infection 3 times a day for 10 days. Follow this with Melaleuca (may be mixed 3:1 with coconut oil) for 30 days to assure that the fungus does not return. Cleanse with Melaleuca or OnGuard after treatment, so the fungus does not spread.
Scabies: Melaleuca or Purify, 1-2 drops (dilute slightly with coconut oil). Apply topically to the affected area. Spray application is recommended. Skin clears typically in a few days. For problem areas that do not heal readily, add Oregano, 1-2 drops to the oil spray.
Sinus Infection: Breathe, diffused into air overnight, or when child is in confined space. Breathe and Eucalyptus, 2-3 drops each applied on feet, and (dilute with coconut oil) for application on chest.
Sleeplessness: Lavender or Serenity, 1-2 drops, (dilute with coconut oil). Apply to bottom of feet.
Sunburn: Lavender (soothing, healing) and Peppermint (cooling), 20 drops each to a 2 oz. spray bottle. Fill the remainder with either water or fractionated coconut oil. Shake and apply as soon as possible to the sunburned area. Repeat every 2 hours, 4 to 6 times. Continue with a blend of Lavender and Frankincense, 20 drops each and of 1 oz. fractionated coconut oil. Spray or apply directly 2 to 4 times daily. If there is any blistering, add Melaleuca, 20 drops, to the blend to prevent any infection from open sores.
Sunscreen: Helichrysum and Lavender, 60 drops each, into a 2 oz. spray bottle. Fill the remainder with fractionated coconut oil. Spray on and use as any store purchased sunscreen.
Strep or Sore Throat: Oregano, 1 drop, Melaleuca or OnGuard, 2 drops (dilute with coconut oil). Apply topically on throat, around ears, and on feet. At least 3 to 4 times daily for 2-3 days.
Teeth Grinding: Lavender or Serenity, 2 drops of either. Massage on bottom of feet.
Temper Tantrum: Balance and Lavender or Serenity, 1-2 drops (diluted with coconut oil). Apply to bottom of feet.
Tonsilitis: OnGuard, 3-4 drops (dilute with coconut oil). Gently massage blend over throat and up to the jaw line.Also OnGuard, diffuse in air overnight. For older children: Oregano, 2-3 drops, to a mouthful of water, gargle for as long as possible, then swallow. (Oregano is a "hot" oil, so be careful not to spit out or touch the lips with oil). Repeat every 1-2 hours. For mid age children: OnGuard instead of Oregano in the protocol above. For younger children: Oregano or OnGuard,
2-3 drops, added to a' spoonful of applesauce and swallow. Repeat every 1-2 hours. For youngest children: OnGuard, 1-2 drops, dilute with a carrier oil and apply topically to the throat area every 1-2 hours.
Whooping Cough: Breathe, 2-3 drops (dilute with coconut oil). Apply to chest. Eucalyptus and OnGuard, 1-2 drops (dilute with coconut oil). Apply to bottom of feet.
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